This article use hping3 source file as an example to demonstrate the basics to build RPM. For further information, please refer to
Install rpmbuild
$yum install rpm-buildRPM Macros
Setup build environment#Various RPM Macros locations
/usr/lib/rpm/macros #Global default macros
/etc/rpm/micros #Global user defined macros
~/.rpmmacros #per-user defined macros
rpmbuild --define 'macro_name value ' #define at run time
#display a macro
$ rpm --eval %{_vendor}
redhat#display all macros
rpm --showrc
Building RPM involves following steps:#It is preferred to use a non-root user to to control build
$useradd builder$ echo '%_topdir /home/builder/redhat' > .rpmmacros$ mkdir -p /home/builder/redhat/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS}
1. Preparing for building, including unpacking the sources
2. Building (compiling)
3. Installing the application or library
4. Cleaning up
5. Customized scripts for pre-install,post-install, pre-uninstall, post-uninstall
6. List files to be packaged into RPM
7. Add changelog
8. GPG sign package
The first 7 steps are controlled by SPEC file
Test each stage by rpmbuild##This spec file use hping3 source file as an example
[builder]$ cat /home/builder/redhat/SPECS/hping3.spec%define name hping3%define version 3.0Name: %{name}Version: %{version}Release: 0License: GPL##Pick a name in /usr/share/doc/rpm-*/GROUPS
Group: Applications/SystemURL: source files should be packed under a dir named: %{name}-%{version} e.g. ./hping3-3.0/*
##Packed file name should be %{name}-%{version}.XX e.g. hping3-3.0.tar.gz
Source: hping3-3.0.tar.gzPatch0: hping3.patch#Patch1: 2.patch
#PreReq: unzip
##libpcap is required package for hping to work
Requires: libpcap##gcc and libpcap-devel are required duing compling
BuildPreReq: gcc libpcap-develBuildArch:x86_64##BuildRoot is staging area that looks like the final installation directory
##all final files are copied to BuildRoot
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-rootSummary: hping3 is a network tool.%Descriptionhping3 is a network tool able to send custom TCP/IPpackets and to display target replies like ping do withICMP replies.##1. Prepare
%prep####%setup will go to ~/redhat/BUILD dir and unpack soure files
%setup -q%patch0##2. Build
%build%configure --no-tclmake##3. Install
%installrm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOTmkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{/usr/sbin,/usr/share/man/man8}
install -m 755 hping3 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/sbin/(cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/sbin; ln -s hping3 hping2 ; ln -s hping3 hping )%{__gzip} ./docs/hping3.8&& \install -m 644 ./docs/hping3.8.gz $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/man/man8##4. Clean up
%cleanrm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOTmake clean##-5. customized scripts; view all scripts of a rpm file "rpm -q --scripts file.rpm"
####user is not needed, demonstration purpose only
%preuseradd hping%postchage -M -1 hping#### $1=0 remove; $1=1 first install; $1>=2 upgrade
%postunif [ $1 = 0 ]; thenuserdel -r hpingfi##6. list files to be packed to RPM
%files%defattr(-,root,root)%attr(755,root,root) /usr/sbin/hping*%doc /usr/share/man/man8/hping3.8.gz##7. changlog
%changelog#### date Format: date +'%a %b %d %Y'
* Mon May 30 2004 antirez <email@com>- First public release of hping3
GPG Sign RPM file$rpmbuild --helpBuild options with [ <specfile> | <tarball> | <source package> ]:-bp build through %prep (unpack sources and apply
patches) from <specfile>-bc build through %build (%prep, then compile)
from <specfile>-bi build through %install (%prep, %build, then
install) from <specfile>-bl verify %files section from <specfile>-ba build source and binary packages from
<specfile>-bb build binary package only from <specfile>
Sign a package to prove source identity of the file
#Create gpg key pair,remmber the keypass for private key, it will be asked when signing package
$gpg --gen-key#Tell rpm which gpg key to use
$ cat ~/.rpmmacros%_topdir /home/builder/redhat%_signature gpg%_gpg_name rpm test <rpm.test@com>#Sign RPM with GPG private key
#Before RPM created, use rpmbuid --sign spec-file
#After RPM created, use rpm --resign
$rpm --resign /home/builder/redhat/RPMS/x86_64/hping3-3.0-0.x86_64.rpm#Export GPG pulic key
$gpg --export -a > /tmp/ import, signature "NOT OK"
$rpm --checksig hping3-3.0-0.x86_64.rpmhping3-3.0-0.x86_64.rpm: (SHA1) DSA sha1 md5 (GPG) NOT OK (MISSING KEYS: GPG#31f8d18a)
#Import GPG pub key
$rpm --import /tmp/
#after import, signature "OK"
$ rpm --checksig hping3-3.0-0.x86_64.rpmhping3-3.0-0.x86_64.rpm: (sha1) dsa sha1 md5 gpg OK#list all imported GPG keys
$ rpm -qa gpg*gpg-pubkey-32a349c9-493c185agpg-pubkey-31f8d18a-4de2fc7bgpg-pubkey-e8562897-459f07a4