What can Spacewalk do:
- YUM repository Server, which is connected by client via yum-rhn-plugin
- Provision, kickstart, physical or virtual systems (using cobbler)
- Manage and deploy configuration files, software to a group of servers
- Monitor your systems (CPU, disk space etc .. ), Inventory your systems (hardware and software information)
OS supported by Spacewalk:
- Red Hat Linux derivatives (Centos, Fedora, Scientific Linux) and Solaris
- Limited support for SUSE Linux (AutoYaST Support is planned in V1.5, https://fedorahosted.org/spacewalk/roadmap )
- Experimental support for Debian (https://fedorahosted.org/spacewalk/wiki/Deb_support_in_spacewalk )
This post is not a complete guide for spacewalk install and administartion, its goal is to PXE kickstart a pysical server and have it registered to spacewalk server when kickstart complete. Kickstarting a server is easy but having it registered to spacewalk server needs tweaking.
Useful document for Spacewalk:
This post demonstrate spacewalk 1.4 kickstarting Centos 5.5 i386
Steps Summary:
- Setup PXE boot server environment
- Create OS base channel
- Create child channel(tools channel)
- Create distribution tree
- Create activation key
- Create kickstart profile
Setup PXE boot server environment
Setup tftp and dhcpd, refer to http://honglus.blogspot.com/2011/06/setup-pxe-boot-server-for-linux-server.html
However, you don't bother editing pxelinux.cfg/default, which will be managed by spacewalk.
Create OS base channel
Navigate to: Channels | Manage software channels | Create new channel
Channel label is significant, It is channel label, not channel name, is referred for channel operations.
For GPG key section, refer to “GPG Sign RPM file” http://honglus.blogspot.com/2011/05/build-rpm-from-source-file.html
The GPG pub key need to copied to “/var/www/html/pub”, which can be downloaded by http://Server/pub/MY-GPG-FILE-NAME
Create child channel(tools channel)#Import OS rpms to OS Base channel
#Before importing rpms, it is recommended to resign all rpms with your own GPG key “ rpm –resign *.rpm”, otherwise you need to import the rpm's original GPG key to all clients.
$spacewalk-repo-sync -c channel-label –-url http://mirror.centos.org/centos/5/os/i386/# You can also import rpms in installation media by –url file:///media/cdrom
Create a child channel for the Base channel created in last step, using same GPG information
Create distribution tree#import spacewalk client rpms to the child channel
$spacewalk-repo-sync -c child-channel-label –-url http://spacewalk.redhat.com/yum/1.4-client/RHEL/5/i386/#python-ethtool doesn't exist in above sites, you need to download it manually from EPEL repository http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL
#import a single rpm to the child channel
$rhnpush -c child-channel-label -u satadmin python-ethtool*.rpm
Distribution hold installation files e.g. “images/stage2.img”, which can't be imported to spacewalk channel
Navigate to: Systems | Kickstart | Distributions | Create new distribution#Create distribution tree path
$mkdir -p /var/distro-trees/centos-32-5.5
#Copy everything in installation media except for rpm files to the dir
#rpm files will be retrieved from channels
$cd /media/cdrom; find . ! -path "./CentOS/*" | cpio -pvd /var/distro-trees/centos-32-5.5
Create activation key
Activation key is bound to base channel and entitlements, it is used by client to register to spacewalk without password authentication.
Navigate to: Systems | Activation Keys | Create new Key
Select the base channel and enable provisioning add-on entitlements
In child channels, select the child channel.
Optionally, if you want to pull configuration file e.g /etc/ntp.conf during kickstart, you need to create configuration channel and bind the activation key
Create kickstart profile
Navigate to: Systems | Kickstart | Create new kickstart profile
In operating systems, select base channel and child channel
In Software,enter the following packages in addition to @ Base
rhn-checkrhn-setupyum-rhn-pluginpython-ethtoolpython-dmidecoderhncfg-clientrhncfg-actions#Above packages provide rhnreg_ks and rhn_check to register to spacewalk during kickstart, otherwise kickstart postscript will encounter errors:
/tmp/ks-script-KOlpXy: line 128: rhnreg_ks: command not found
/tmp/ks-script-KOlpXy: line 134: rhn_check: command not found
#You can also write your own snipplets in “/var/lib/cobbler/snippets” to add packages dynamically.
In Activation Keys, select the activation key
Once kickstart profile is created, some entries are added to pxe configuration file
Power on the server to be provisioned, when kickstart completed, It should be registered and appeared in spacewalk.