Zabbix has well documented guide to configure SNMP traps, I followed the guide and gave it up after facing the challenge to install additional software SNMPTT or recompile SNMPD to include “--enable-embedded-perl” (it seems snmpd In RHEL 6 is not enabled by default)
I found an easier way to use item type “Zabbix trapper” rather than “snmp trap”, The “Zabbix trapper” receive data from zabbix_sender command, which was triggered by traphandle in /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf, it is the single configured file need to be configured, unlike “snmp trap” type which require many configuration files:zabbix_server.conf,snmptt.conf,snmptrapd.conf,snmptt.ini,snmptt.conf
Pros and Cons compared to the official “snmp trap”
- Pros:
- Easier to implement, no need to install or compile additional software.
- You don’t need to add host resource to Zabbix, you can setup a catch-all trapper in “Zabbix Server”, real problematic host can be identified in the SNMP values.
- Distributed monitoring, you can setup many snmptrapd receivers.
- Only one way connection is required, that is port 162 from snmp host to snmptrapd host and port 10051 from snmptrapd host to Zabbix Server. Zabbix server doesn’t need to query snmp host on port 161.
For me, I only use SNMP trap to receive alarms of hardware fault of servers/storage etc, I don’t want to pull the hardware health metrics and define the threshold again, it is not needed and not sufficient, because hardware vendor already have all necessary hardware health metrics and threshhod, you just need to receive the alarms through the management interface (SUN iLOM/DELL DRAC/IBM RSA ).
- Cons:
Maybe performance? The traphandler is a simple Perl script to read SNMP data via STDIN and connect to Zabbix server, I don’t see performance implication of it.
Install snmptrapd and configure snmptrapd(it doesn’t need to be in Zabbix server)
[root@zabbix~]# cat /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf authCommunity log,execute public traphandle default /opt/zabbix/bin/ [root@zabbix ~]# cat /opt/zabbix/bin/ #!/usr/bin/perl $zserver=''; $tserver='Zabbix server'; $trapkey='allsnmptrap'; $zsender='/usr/local/bin/zabbix_sender'; $hostname = <STDIN>; chomp($hostname); $ipaddress = <STDIN>; chomp($ipaddress); $output="Trap received from Host: $hostname ($ipaddress)\n"; while(<STDIN>) { $output.=$_; } system ( "$zsender -z \"$zserver\" -s \"$tserver\" -k \"$trapkey\" -o \'$output\' ");
Create the catch-all “zabbix trapper” item in any host, for example in Zabbix Server.
Create trigger for allsnmptrap item
It is generic trigger based on time, basically it is trigged for any data received and stay in alarm state until 2 days later or manually make it cleared(by edit trigger expression). You may need to customize the trigger to action on string search result etc. (NOTE: new alarm won’t pop up if trigger is already in alarm state, so you need to make it to health state in order to receive new alarm)
[root@zabbix~]#snmptrap -v 1 -c public '.' '' 6 33 '55' . s “teststring000”
SNMP trap was received:
(UDP: [] …) has the source IP of the problematic host. It is, because it was run on the Zabbix server itself.
Trouble shooting
Start snmptrapd daemon with “-f –Le” option will output errors in console.